
How to stop anxiety and panic attacks for good : Stop managing mental illness, prevent it

How this stealth cause of fatigue can go undetected for years

More than 90% of the population is walking around with this unknowingly. It can affect much more than just your energy. Contributing to cancer, heart disease, skin irritations and conditions, digestive issues, and neurological conditions - unfortunately this can go on for 10, 20, even 30 years without being diagnosed. The amount of suffering caused by this across the population is immeasurable Read more

Why this common cause of fatigue is misdiagnosed 75% of the time

Why is it that most doctors don’t know how to properly test for this problem? And what if even when numbers fall in the normal range this can still be a problem - but your doctor probably won’t know? I have seen this affecting people, especially women suffering from painful fatigue unnecessarily for years because the problem may not show up in lab results. What is it? Read more

The tiny little speck that could be making you tired

I often ask my patients if this speck could be making them tired. Yet when it creeps up slowly on me, it always takes me a while to realize there is a real reason for my fatigue. And it could be the reason for yours too. The good thing is that once you know it’s there, you can do something about it. What is it? Read more

Here’s the most important reason to start prevention now

Did you know that you have about 95% control over your health outcomes? This means that whether you live a long healthy life OR NOT, is almost 100% in your hands. So when does it matter that you take control of your health to create the healthspan (how long you’re healthy while you’re alive) and lifespan that you desire? Read more

How to optimize the most essential nutrient to life in 5 minutes a day

Have you ever thought about how long you can go without certain nutrients? For some it’s years, some months, some days, but this one it’s just minutes. Without it you die. So for your entire life, you are getting enough, but are you getting the optimal amount? And what if you infuse your cells with this nutrient intentionally? How will it affect your health? What is it? Read more

The number one way to take charge of your future health

If you’re human, and I know you are, we all veer from our ideal habits from time to time. And if you’re like most people, some of your habits are less than ideal most of the time. I always see a new year as a great time for a reset. A time to create a new lasting healthy habit that gradually pays you back with dividends. There is a kind of health care that when practiced, has an anchoring effect making it much more likely that your health will go exactly the way you intend. What is it? Read more

The one thing you need to address to achieve your best health this year

We all know about diet and exercise to improve your health. Usually when I see a new patient, they have tried these things and they aren’t working. People take supplements, and often don’t know if what they’re taking is working or not. Labs can be very helpful at identifying issues, but clues are often missed because most practitioners don’t know how to interpret labs outside of normal ranges. On the off chance that all of these things are appropriately addressed, we often see resolution. For a time. And then things can regress. What is the missing piece of the puzzle that helps keep your health at the level that you are actually seeking? Read more

The best tried and tested method to prevent getting sick this winter

It seems that getting sick is easier than it used to be before the pandemic. There are a multitude of reasons for this, but instead of seeing it as part of life, you can arm yourself with some habits and a few supplements to boost your immune system and feel great all winter long. Here are the simple rules I follow - and they work every time. Read more

The top two things you need to remove from your body that cause fatigue

The number one thing people consume to boost their energy hands down - is coffee. But for optimal sustained energy - we really need to address these two things. Read more