Your immune system is your body’s frontline defense against infections, illnesses, and diseases. While many people focus on adding immune-boosting foods to their diet, it’s equally important to avoid certain foods that can impair immune function.
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Many people assume that as a naturopath who teaches about nutrition, I must always eat
perfectly. Well, I'm here to set the record straight: that couldn’t be further from the truth.
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For me it started in middle school. It was awful. It could last for months on end. And I had no idea that I was just making it worse. It is so common that it is likely that either you or someone in your family has it. And there is such a simple solution, but almost no one knows about it.
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I want to thank one of my patients for this recipe, you know who you are!! Although I did not get it quite right, the addition of a second egg makes the cakes stick together quite well. The original recipe only had one egg. I also learned from this patient that pink salmon is called dog salmon. Meaning, in Alaska, they feed it to dogs! No wonder I've never liked canned salmon. So! I now buy sockeye salmon from Vital Choice. And I love it! And I would have added a photo, but I keep forgetting to take one!
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It goes without saying, organic is always best when you have the option. Choosing raw nuts or seeds and cold pressed unrefined oil is essential for avoiding inflammation.
I am a big proponent of quality ingredients. That is one reason I am very picky about the restaurants I choose - and another reason I usually prefer homemade. You always know exactly what you are getting. AND! It usually tastes so much better!! Here is some pesto I whipped up the other day and have already made it a second time, so thought I would share. Hope you like it!
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