
Here are typical candida symptoms and how to manage them

Candida is the cause of many symptoms and you may not even know you have it. It is naturally part of our gut flora, but our habits, lifestyle and stress dictate how much of it we have in our GI tract. A common misnomer is that if you don’t have a vaginal yeast infection you can have candida. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Here is how to know if candida might be affecting you. Read more

Here are the four key factors you need to know to understand your thyroid hormone results

Discover the four critical factors affecting thyroid hormone results: cellular inflammation, nutrient deficiency, liver function, and gut health. Learn how these elements impact thyroid function and what you can do to address them. Read more

Understanding Thyroid Health: 9 Essential Tests You Need to Know

As a naturopathic doctor, I often encounter patients struggling with thyroid issues. Proper diagnosis and management of thyroid health are crucial, and this starts with the right tests. Here are the nine essential tests that can help you and your doctor better understand your thyroid function. Read more

How to know if your thyroid is causing your symptoms

Thyroid testing is an insufficient mode of diagnosis in over 50% of hypothyroid cases. How can I make such a bold statement? The fact is, in conventional medicine, thyroid testing consists of checking for either TSH alone, or TSH and T4. TSH is a hormone that is released by your brain. Not your thyroid. And T4 is considered the inactive of the thyroid hormones. There are two problems with only checking these two numbers. Read more

The top 10 most important labs to order

Labs provide important data for your doctor. Getting them tested at least twice a year is an essential piece to keep you healthy. You need to make sure you have the right doctor interpreting them. Read more

How to fix this most obvious reason for fatigue in just a few days

The most essential piece to having energy is found in this one habit. Unfortunately a large percentage of the population is deprived of it, either by choice, by disturbance or dysfunction. It’s deprivation is used to torture prisoners of war. Its dysfunction tortures the people who have it. Considered an independent risk factor for cancer in Europe, Read more

True healing can happen when you do this one thing

There is something I hear over and over and have considered it relevant for years now. There is one obvious experience I’ve had of my own. This one thing is something of doubt and skepticism for many people. I happen to think it’s the most essential thing to healing now, more than I ever have before. It’s not what we eat, the water we drink, the supplements we take or the exercise we engage in. It’s intangible. And don’t get me wrong all of that is important. But this is the elephant in the room. The thing people don’t want to address, or thing they don’t even know is relevant to address. Read more

The Number One Way To Maintain Weight Loss Without Reducing Calories

Meet Julie. She has lost 50 pounds in the last 5 ½ months. Starting out at the beginning of March Julie would say she was: Depressed, Tired much of the time, In terrible pain in many places in her body, Unable to exercise, and Inflamed She weighed the most she had ever weighed in her life. And had been using ibuprofen to manage her pain. She is currently 8 pounds below her goal weight. How has this happened? Read more

Could this tiny gland be the reason you feel so tired?

Reposted from February 2022 The average thyroid gland weighs about as much as a tablespoon of almond butter. But the thyroid gland, unlike almond butter, has an almost infinite impact on the way your body functions. Every single cell in your body has thyroid receptors. If you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, there are things in your body that just won’t work. Like an unplugged toaster, it’s not going to work no matter what you do. It will only work if you plug it in - just like your cells, they will only work if they’ve got some thyroid hormones plugged in. Read more

How this simple lab test can reveal the cause of your fatigue…and your weight gain.

(Reposted from April 2022) A friend of mine told me about this new book about a month ago. It was by a neurologist I have great respect for, David Perlmutter. I have heard him speak in person several times and basically trust anything he has to say. I nearly fell off my chair when I read some of the things he was saying. There was a new marker - using an old test - that could reveal information that could help me help my patients even more. I got so excited, I started testing all my current patients for it. All of these conditions have this marker in common: Read more