
Here’s why you need to know the word iatrogenic

I was finishing my continuing medical education credits this weekend. I was flabbergasted by what I was hearing in this pharmacology webinar. The only conclusion I could draw is that most of the drugs that patients are prescribed are poisons. They may affect some small positive change, but cause 10 x more problems than they prevent. This diabetes drug I was learning about can cause gangrene and death. But the pharmacist who was presenting didn’t think it was necessary to tell his patients that - he said maybe only if the patient seemed paranoid - so he wouldn’t get in trouble later. And here’s why you need to know the word iatrogenic. Read more

Improve your overall health now with this one thing

Considered worse than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day - this is of utmost importance for your overall health. Contributing to diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart disease and a myriad of other health issues, this one thing can improve your health in countless ways. Read more

The tiny little speck that could be making you tired

I often ask my patients if this speck could be making them tired. Yet when it creeps up slowly on me, it always takes me a while to realize there is a real reason for my fatigue. And it could be the reason for yours too. The good thing is that once you know it’s there, you can do something about it. What is it? Read more

Here’s the most important reason to start prevention now

Did you know that you have about 95% control over your health outcomes? This means that whether you live a long healthy life OR NOT, is almost 100% in your hands. So when does it matter that you take control of your health to create the healthspan (how long you’re healthy while you’re alive) and lifespan that you desire? Read more

The best way to focus on being healthy…always.

If you’re reading this blog it’s very likely that you have an interest in your health. Do you exercise? Take supplements? Do gluten-free? Avoid dairy? Avoid sugar or refined oils? What is actually the most effective way to prevent disease? And it’s the same thing our forefathers would need to have focused on for robust health. Read more

Here is the secret human hunger driving your food choices

If you’ve been reading my blogs the last week or two, you know about the first 4 human hungers. Today we are on human hunger number 5. It’s why you get bored eating the same thing over and over. And it’s tightly linked to another human hunger. What is it? Read more

How to satisfy the most essential human hunger

Why do we scarf down a whole bag of sour cream n’ onion chips? Or eat a tub of ice cream in one sitting? And maybe that’s not you, but maybe you’ve been known from time to time to have a few more pieces of pizza than you should. I acknowledge the fact that yes, these foods are designed to be addictive, there is another reason why some of us may have difficulty eating just a little. I’ve written about the first 3 human hungers recently. The number four human hunger, and the only true human hunger is for… Read more

Banish the top two hunger illusions to make weight loss easier

This is a line I have heard many times over the years, “I think about food all the time. It makes me crazy.” If that is true for you, have you ever wondered why this is the case, or if you have certain times of day, what is going on that you just need to eat? There are 6 types of hunger that humans have. Two of them are not actually signs of hunger, but they make us want to eat. What are they? Read more

How to optimize the most essential nutrient to life in 5 minutes a day

Have you ever thought about how long you can go without certain nutrients? For some it’s years, some months, some days, but this one it’s just minutes. Without it you die. So for your entire life, you are getting enough, but are you getting the optimal amount? And what if you infuse your cells with this nutrient intentionally? How will it affect your health? What is it? Read more

The number one way to take charge of your future health

If you’re human, and I know you are, we all veer from our ideal habits from time to time. And if you’re like most people, some of your habits are less than ideal most of the time. I always see a new year as a great time for a reset. A time to create a new lasting healthy habit that gradually pays you back with dividends. There is a kind of health care that when practiced, has an anchoring effect making it much more likely that your health will go exactly the way you intend. What is it? Read more