The number one thing people consume to boost their energy hands down - is coffee. But for optimal sustained energy - we really need to address these two things.
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In the last 2 weeks, I have had 6 people tell me that their symptoms have been recently dismissed by conventional medicine. I could write a book with the stories I have heard over the years. This is such a problem that many articles - and even a book that a patient sent me a link to this morning HAVE written on this topic. I can also remember learning that anatomy was based on a man's body - and to feminize the anatomy they would shift accordingly. Female anatomy, with respect to medicine was seen as an aberration.
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One of the most frustrating symptoms of an underactive thyroid is weight gain. You can do your very best to take care of your body, but still find yourself piling on the pounds! Fortunately, there are steps you can take to escape the vicious cycle of weight gain that accompanies a thyroid disorder. This January, that begins with making healthier choices! Keep reading to learn more about how your thyroid can stop you from losing weight – and what you can do to end the vicious cycle! Losing weight may be tough, but it is possible.
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We use Restore as a foundation of health for a broad spectrum of patients. Restore does not treat any disease. Instead, it promotes strong membrane integrity through its direct and indirect effects on the tight junctions of the bowel wall and vascular systems of the body, and restoration of the bowel ecology with the unique bacterial communication attribute of the supplement.
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