
Chia Seeds: Tiny Powerhouse

Chia seeds were prized by ancient cultures as a source of sustainable energy. In fact, "chia" is the ancient Mayan word for strength. A tiny nutrition powerhouse, Chia is rich in dietary fiber and contains significant amounts of minerals and vitamins. One ounce of Chia seeds provides calcium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus among other micronutrients, very little fat, and just 138 calories. Read more

Probiotics: Manage Food Allergies and Enhance Immunity

Listen to your gut. And make sure to protect it. A balanced gastrointestinal system plays a critical role in defending your body against illness. An imbalance in gastrointestinal (GI) flora can create health issues and is typically the result of poor diet, stress, use of antibiotics, illness and food allergies. Read more

Health Benefits of Filtered Water

Most people know very little about the quality of the water they use. Even those of us who recognize the potential health risks in tap water often choose cost-effectiveness and convenience over superior quality. Searching for information about your local water quality and how to improve it can make you feel like you're in chemistry class! Here's a primer on why you should filter water and types of filtering systems. Read more

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) – Essential to Brain Health

Decades of study and countless books have gone into exploring Omega-3 and the role it plays in our physical and mental health. Here are Seven Essential Facts about this ESSENTIAL substance. Read more

Tomato Parsley Trout

Prepared with tomatoes, parsley, garlic and white wine, this simple-to-make entree has extraordinarily flavorful results. The tomatoes and parsley add vibrant color and pungent garlic is balanced by the aromatic combination of white wine, lemon and olive oil. Read more

Brain Fitness

Yes, we are aging. Every day. That's a simple fact of life. But we're also living longer than ever before and we have a remarkable opportunity to enjoy our longevity by making good choices and paying attention to the role of healthy cognitive function (HCF) in our overall ability to live - and age - with vitality, grace and dignity. Read more

Ginkgo Gets Your Mind In Gear (Ginkgo Biloba)

Touted as the "brain herb," Ginkgo Biloba extract (GBE) has received attention for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, particularly to support cardiovascular, neurological and brain health. Read more

Introducing Restore By Biomic Sciences: A Comprehensive Gut plan

We use Restore as a foundation of health for a broad spectrum of patients. Restore does not treat any disease. Instead, it promotes strong membrane integrity through its direct and indirect effects on the tight junctions of the bowel wall and vascular systems of the body, and restoration of the bowel ecology with the unique bacterial communication attribute of the supplement. Read more

Are you tired?

If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. I see patients for all kinds of things, but the most common complaint is definitely fatigue. About 90% of the patients I see are tired, if not all day, every day, then every afternoon or evening.  Every wonder why “afternoon tea” came to be? Tea and biscuits? I’m guessing blood sugar disorders and insulin resistance aren’t far off. Almost everyone I ask gets tired in the afternoon. It’s when you’d go for a snack, or that second cup of coffee.  Read more