If you’ve been reading my blogs lately, you’ll know that lifespan isn’t quite as important as healthspan. Healthspan, is the amount of our lives that we spend being healthy and fully functional. We want our healthspan to match our lifespan. So, what is this move we can do to improve our healthspan?
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It’s so simple, you probably won’t believe it. It doesn’t cost anything. You have to do it throughout the day anyway.
75% of the population is chronically low in this molecule.
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Only a few things in life are guaranteed. Death, taxes and becoming more and more toxic with each passing year. If you read our last e-blast, you know that intermittent fasting helps your body cleanse. But if that is not something you're up for yet, a medical cleanse or detoxification is a great addition to your seasonal health regime.
We are constantly exposed to thousands of different toxins and the build up is guaranteed unless we actively do something about it. We ALL need to detoxify or cleanse on a regular basis.
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