
GMOs in Your Food: The Facts You Need to Know

If you've paid even a little attention to food industry news, you know there's huge concern over Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in our food supply. It's estimated that more than half of America's processed grocery products contain gene-altered ingredients. Since at least the 1990's we've been consuming genetically modified enzymes primarily in breads, cheeses, sodas, and beers. Today, the primary genetically modified (GM) food crops are corn, soybeans, and potatoes. Read more

Massage Supports Your Body’s Natural Detox

Your body's innate detox system can get sluggish for a variety of reasons such as lack of regular exercise, too little fluids or fiber in your diet, frequent colds, or high stress. A massage can rev-up your body's natural detox process. Read more

Protect your Liver with Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle is a medicinal plant that has been used for over 2,000 years to treat digestive, liver and gallbladder conditions. Research has shown Milk Thistle has a protective effect on the liver. The active ingredient in Milk Thistle (MT) is silymarin, which can be extracted from the seeds of the plant. Read more

Tea to Nourish & Support Detoxing

Sipping detox tea may help nourish your liver and support the body's natural process for eliminating toxins from the body. Herbs that strengthen, tone, and stimulate the secretive functions of the liver are known in the Western herbal medicine tradition as hepatics. Although research is limited, many hepatics (aka 'detox teas') have been found to boost the activity of liver cells and support the functions of the liver and digestive system. Read more

Daily Detox: Go Wild with Dandelion Greens!

You might not want dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) dappled across your lawn, but you definitely want to make them a part your healthy diet. For centuries, the sunny yellow dandelion, its greens and roots, has been embraced across cultures for its culinary and medicinal uses. Read more

Feeling under the weather? Defend yourself against the Cold and Flu!

It’s here. The dreaded time of year when we either fear getting sick, or try our best to prevent it from happening. Recently, many patients have told me that they either just got the flu shot or the pneumonia vaccine. Some get sick from it, and some even have reactions to it. In reality, most of us don’t know whether we should get the vaccines at all. Some of us try to prevent illness through other means. But what is really the best way to stay healthy in the cold and flu season? Is it different for kids..... Read more

Trying to get Pregnant?

If you’re trying to get pregnant or even thinking about it, you know that conceiving isn’t always easy. The stress, toxins and lowered sperm counts of today’s modern world make it more challenging than ever for many to get pregnant.  I have many patients who have either conceived or are trying to conceive. As a woman in my third pregnancy I know the struggles... Read more

Concerned about Heart Disease or Diabetes?

I have always had a fascination with heart disease and the ability for naturopathic medicine to prevent and treat it effectively. Many of my patients come to me already on statins or blood pressure medication. I often get questions about whether I can see them if they are already taking drugs. Read more

You’ve got to be joking…food can do what??

People who don’t know me always look at me sideways when I suggest that what they’re eating might be the source of their problems. I would actually say that people who know me also look at me a little strange when I make this suggestion. And I’m not talking about just digestive problems. It really could be anything. Read more

Don’t tune out…Tune-Up!!

It's a new school year - and for many of us that means a change in schedule. It's a time to reset ourselves, get our fitness, our diet and healthy lifestyles back on track. If you haven't been in for a while - it's a great time to come in for a tune-up! Committing to health maintenance is something that pays in dividends - it's just hard to track when we will never know what would have happened! Read more