Naturopathic physicians are primary care and specialty doctors who address the underlying cause of disease through effective, individualized natural therapies that integrate the healing powers of body, mind and spirit.
Naturopathic physicians are unique in providing diagnosis and treatment that bridges both conventional and natural medicine perspectives; they integrate scientific research with the healing powers of nature.
The goal of a naturopathic physician is to employ therapies that support and promote the body’s natural healing process, leading to the highest state of wellness.
As professional leaders and pioneers in science-based natural medicine, naturopathic physicians advocate the development of professional standards, accountability, and regulation of all forms of medicine in all jurisdictions to maintain public safety and freedom of choice in health care. Further, we support broad inclusion, collaboration and equal access in the health care system at all levels.
The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, in Washington, DC, is the national organization of the profession.