
How to stop these waves from interrupting your sleep

I pride myself on being an avid learner. I was shocked when I found out that for years the information I had been going on was wrong.

EMF Awareness

For years I have been aware of EMF. Most people have never heard of it. I have my kids in the habit of keeping their devices on airplane mode as much as they can. Downloading books or videos when they can to avoid it. But there are somethings I had no idea about. The truth is we’re not being told about the negative impacts – but we need to educate ourselves. Watch my short interview with EMF expert Stephanie Kerst about sleep disturbance.

Interview With EMF Expert Stephanie Kerst

If you missed my first interview with her you can watch it HERE.

And if you missed our last blog on How to know if your thyroid is causing your symptoms, you can read it HERE