Bio-identical hormones (typically progesterone; estradiol; and estriol) are different from traditional HRT (hormone replacement therapy). They are generally made from herbs and match the same chemical structure as the hormones in our bodies. This allows our system to use and eliminate them as necessary.
Bio-Identical hormones may be used for:
- Menopausal symptoms
- PMS symptoms
- Menstrual irregularities
At Wellness Architecture, we typically use creams which allow for a much smaller dose to be used than if taken orally. These creams may be applied to the forearms, the inside of the thigh and sometimes vaginally.
Before prescribing any Bio-Identical hormones we always test hormone levels – a step that is often skipped in the gynecologist’s office. This prevents overdosing from occurring.
We also explore other avenues with patients before prescribing Bio-Identical hormones. Such as:
- Herbs
- Nutritional changes
- Neurotransmitter imbalances
- Thyroid imbalances
At Wellness Architecture, we work to find treatment that best fits your life!