
Could Diindolylmethane (DIM) Protect Against Cancer?

Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a compound found in "cruciferous" vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli. Read more

Diary Of A Neurofeedback Newbie: Part 1

"It's not that I'm stressed all the time. But anxiety about everyday things (my to-do list, my kids' needs, what I should make for dinner) frequently diminishes my quality of life." Read more

Designing Optimal Health – One brain wave at a time

Neuro Feedback (advanced brain training) technology called NeurOptimal, is a safe and non-invasive training program to build resilience in the brain and the central nervous system. Neuro Feedback is essentially an exercise program for your brain. Your brain is living tissue and is susceptible to stress, chemicals, and other harmful influences. NeurOptimal brain training helps the brain and central nervous system to become stronger, more flexible and organized. Read more

Homeopathy: Finding the Cure in the Cause

Like cures like. That’s the concept behind homeopathy, a centuries-old system that stimulates the body's innate healing ability. In 1796, Samuel Hahnemann, M.D. observed that Cinchona Bark, a medicinal plant used by native people in South America to treat malaria, could also cause the symptoms of malaria in healthy people. After testing the theory on himself, he continued his research, establishing the “dynamic” effect of a homeopathic substance: The less potent the disease-causing agent in the remedy, the better it stimulated the healing process and with fewer side effects. Read more

Nurture Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence

We want the best for our children. From the moment they're born, we look for ways to stimulate learning potential and strengthen their IQ (Intelligence Quotient). While studies differ on whether we can actually enhance IQ, they concur that we can - and should - support Emotional Intelligence/Quotient (EQ). Doing so not only improves a child's ability to learn, it provides tools for managing emotions and developing coping skills that result in healthy self-esteem and good decision-making. Read more

Designing Optimal Health – Increase circulation without lifting a finger!

BEMER therapy provides a non-invasive and non-habit forming alternative that may improve how you feel. By increasing micro-and-macro circulation through electromagnetic currencies with the BEMER, oxygen is redirected through the smallest, largest, and even through closed blood vessels, promoting cell regeneration and optimal cell function and your body’s own natural ability to heal itself. Read more

Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus)

The dainty yellow flowers of Greater Celandine (aka "swallow") bloom when swallows return from winter nesting and die when the birds head south again. A member of the Poppy family, the medicinal use of the plant dates back to ancient Greece. It has been widely used in European herbal medicine through modern time for treatment of gallbladder disease and liver conditions. Read more

Amla: Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis)

Indian Gooseberry is an unusual, translucent fruit found in shades of yellow, green, red, or black. Berries may be perfectly round or oval and elongated and contain abundant, tiny edible seeds. The flavor ranges from tart and sweet to moderately sour. Read more

Kitchari: An Ayurvedic Healing Stew

Incredibly tasty and nourishing, kitchari (kichadi) is a popular Indian dish. Kitchari combines a protein-mung dhal (yellow, split mung beans)-with light and aromatic basmati rice plus a few veggies (use just 2-3 to keep the meal easily digestible). Kitchari is a rich, filling soup, a perfect meal to fill just about everyone's belly! Read more

Say No! to GMO Foods!

From farmer's markets to grocery stores, to shop with confidence about avoiding GMO foods you need to shop smarter. Here's how: When in doubt, Go organic. The USDA National Organic Standards prohibit the use of GMOs. Look for the USDA Organic Seal on labels for produce as well as meat, dairy, eggs and fish. Read more