
Food Allergens: Testing How the Body Responds

Food allergies occur when the body has an adverse or abnormal response to a food. An allergic reaction can be immediate and life threatening, such as with peanuts. Or it can be delayed, taking three to five days to show up, causing hay fever-like symptoms, digestive distress, eczema or other skin irritation, or changes in behavior and mental focus. This delayed reaction is called "food sensitivity" and is usually not life threatening. Read more

Probiotics: Manage Food Allergies and Enhance Immunity

Listen to your gut. And make sure to protect it. A balanced gastrointestinal system plays a critical role in defending your body against illness. An imbalance in gastrointestinal (GI) flora can create health issues and is typically the result of poor diet, stress, use of antibiotics, illness and food allergies. Read more

Are you tired?

If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. I see patients for all kinds of things, but the most common complaint is definitely fatigue. About 90% of the patients I see are tired, if not all day, every day, then every afternoon or evening.  Every wonder why “afternoon tea” came to be? Tea and biscuits? I’m guessing blood sugar disorders and insulin resistance aren’t far off. Almost everyone I ask gets tired in the afternoon. It’s when you’d go for a snack, or that second cup of coffee.  Read more

You’ve got to be joking…food can do what??

People who don’t know me always look at me sideways when I suggest that what they’re eating might be the source of their problems. I would actually say that people who know me also look at me a little strange when I make this suggestion. And I’m not talking about just digestive problems. It really could be anything. Read more